Creating a thriving workplace has moved from an easily dismissed, faintly hippie notion to something that’s taken seriously across sectors. With the workplace leading this revolution, it’s time to make employees feel well at work. After all, most people spend at least a third of their lives working. If you make well-being part of your company you can expect increased productivity, improved employee engagement, and decreased absences. But how can you create workplaces that support employee well-being? This is what you need to keep in mind.
Enable autonomy and belonging
Organizations are looking into ways to make the workplace a healthier environment, enabling employees to perform to the best of their abilities. Ideally, the workplace is a space that brings colleagues together and makes employees feel well and in control. Smart technology can empower employees to boost their autonomy and sense of belonging.
When employees experience autonomy at work and feel that they belong to a company, they can strive towards self-actualization. This self-actualization makes the difference between employees who feel engaged in their careers and move towards personal growth and employees for whom the work they do is just a job to pay the bills.
Autonomy in the workplace leads to an increase in motivation and happiness, along with reducing employee turnover. Working autonomously means employees experience freedom of choice in the workplace. The first step towards autonomy is activity-based working. If you give employees the freedom to choose a work environment they prefer, employees already feel more in charge. With intuitive technology, you can empower employees in the office and help them find workplaces that fit their needs at that moment.
When employees feel like they belong in the workplace, they experience better physical health and satisfaction. They are also more likely to excel in their careers. Belonging can be accomplished in the workplace by making employees feel connected to their coworkers, the workspace, and their responsibilities. You can use technology to facilitate face-to-face contact, find locations to meet with the team, and connect with colleagues from other departments at work. Yes, a smart office can end the silos.

Make employees feel well, perform great
The work environment can motivate employees to put in all their effort and outperform themselves at work, reaching their full potential. Do you want to find out how smart technology can empower employees in the workplace? Our smart office advisors are just a phone call away.